Sunday, December 27, 2009

At any level on your spiritual journey, your karma wants you to get stuck so that you do not progress any longer. One of the ways of getting stuck is that you will get attached to your expectations. It can be to anything. Because of your attachment, you will be trapped in illusion and it can become so serious that you will abandon the whole training. Be careful.


Anonymous said...

thank you for your teaching, Peter.
I will take your words to heart.

Love you, all your students

Unknown said...

Dearest Peter~ your comment has brought much comfort to me. I was just at a place the last few weeks of wondering if I had the capacity to stay with this teaching? I have been so exhausted since the Hawaii retreat and all the challenges thereafter. I have had expectations that energetically and in other ways I should be doing better by now.

Listening to your thoughtful guidance I will be more patient and gentle with myself in this process. Wrap myself in a beautiful golden ball as I feel lifted above it all for now one moment at a time
~ Thank you for your wisdom, kindness and love~Laura Lee